Thursday, October 1, 2009

Melinda Just Got Published

Miltonvale, Kansas, has its own little weekly newspaper; it's called the Miltonvale Record. My daughter Melinda has always aspired to be a writer and just this week has been hired by the Record as the newest member on its writing staff. While her most extensive work will be writing historical essays of what happened in Miltonvale 100, 75, 50, and 25 years ago she has also been asked to write 'filler' articles. The following poem, actually prose, is her 'first-ever' published article.

The Garden

By Melinda Mahin

It started in a garden, so perfect, so pure.

No one by sin was hardened, No one from sin, poor.

Innocently Eve walked by the tree where sin lurked.

Satan, in that tree was sly, waiting souls to hurt.

"Take an apple," was his plea. "It won't hurt a thing.

God lied to you, you will see for joy it will bring."

Eve ate what was forbidden. Oh, the hurt it brought.

God knew this would happen, Now battles would be fought

It happened in a garden in the dark of night.

Jesus struggled deep within to make all things right.

The struggling, the weeping, the tears that did flow.

Jesus' heart now was breaking, through death He must go.

The pain He must endure, now weighed on His mind.

But to make all people newer, left those thoughts behind.

The prayers that were prayed that night, sent Jesus to die.

"Sin has now won this big fight", was Satan's glad cry.

It happened in a garden, at the break of dawn.

The birds that had sleeping been rejoiced now in song.

Jesus Christ, who bled and died, Now had fought and won the battles

Eve had started back in garden one.

Satan's plans were slaughtered at the victory Christ won.

All the wars he thought down pat, were conquered by God's Son.

So now there is a garden, so sweet and calm.

Christ is waiting there within to be your healing balm.

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